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Service Policy
Downtown Miami Acupuncture Center Inc does not accept any form of Insurance. We are a fee-for-service practice, which means that you pay for each service that we provide, at the time of service. All services, labs and products are self-pay and payment is due at the time of service.
If requested, we will provide you with a superbill of services, which you can to submit yourself to your insurance. We cannot guarantee or predict the amount of reimbursement or credit towards your deductible. Nor do we have any control over what an insurance company will or will not cover. We also don’t have the staffing expertise to contact insurance companies or to make appeals, as we don’t employ any professional billing services.
Some of our diagnoses and treatment methods are not recognized by conventional medicine, however this does not mean that the diagnosis and treatment methods are not valid, merely unrecognized. Unrecognized diagnosis codes and treatment methods will most likely not be covered.
We do not provide emergency services. We recommend that all patients maintain a relationship with a primary care provider and any other specialty providers, as needed.